
Friday, May 27, 2016

Rugby Game

We have been learning to write narratives. Here is one of my narratives.

Rugby game

Every Monday there was a rugby game. The rugby boys names were called Nero and Reed. Reed looks like 80in man and was fast like a racing car. Nero was a tall man and was fat like a big rock. The boys played rugby for Kaeo and they have won all their games. They had a small dog that liked to roll in cow poo.

One day the All Blacks came to watch Nero and Reed play rugby so they could pick one to join their team. Reed kicked the ball to Nero, but the ball hit Nero’s face and knocked Nero out.  

The All Blacks picked Reed for their team because he scored 10 tries in just 5 minutes while Nero was in the ambulance

By Reed

Friday, May 20, 2016

Autumn Cameo

The Writing Process
Written Language Sample
Learning Intention: I am learning how to use appropriate adjectives and powerful verbs in my cameo writing.

Success Criteria: I am able to find and highlight adjectives and verbs in a cameo and explain why they work.
I am able to write sentences with appropriate adjectives and powerful verbs in my cameo.

Task:  To write a poem about autumn, using appropriate adjectives and powerful verbs.

Remember to:  Punctuate your work correctly.

        Use careful spelling and sounding out

Here is my writing
Autumn - DRAFT

kaek kaek goes the leves on the dir trees . flat flat done goes the red and yowwl levs. It is cold said my steier i am cold to.

Autumn - Published

Crinkle, crinkle goes the leaves on the dry trees . 
Flutter, flutter! Down floats the red and yellow leaves. 
“It is cold,” said my sister. “I am cold too,” I replied.

narrative writing

The Big T-Rex

One day there was a big village in a noisy deadly jungle. There was a big angry blue and brown dinosaur that lived in the jungle.

One day two men were paddling down the river to check their traps for meat. The dinosaur smelt the meat and found the traps. The men came along. The dinosaur heard the men coming and he hid in the bushes and waited. When the men got to the traps they found their meat had gone. The felt something drip onto their heads. They looked up to see what it was and they saw a dinosaur with his mouth wide open.   

The men screamed and screamed and sprinted to their canoe. They paddled as fast as they could. The dinosaur chased after them. The men shot 5 bows at the dinosaur.  2 bows got shot into the dinosaurs neck. The dinosaur roared and tried to get them out. The dinosaur was really hurt and turned back into the jungle.

The two men paddled home as fast as they could and told the other men what had happened but no one believed them.